Market Any Tech Products With These 6 Simple Steps!

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If you’re looking for an edge when it comes to getting your tech product noticed, start with these six tactics.

It doesn’t matter how forward-thinking or innovative your RD team is, a great product needs great marketing behind it if you want it to succeed. With competition in the tech world fiercer than ever before, companies are looking for new ways to get consumers into their tent without breaking the bank.

There’s no surefire way of knowing what messaging will connect with potential customers, but following a few key rules can help make the process a lot easier. If you’re looking for an edge when it comes to getting your tech product noticed, start with these six tactics:


1. Know Your Audience

In its simplest form, marketing is about getting the right information in front of the right people. All of your advertising should be created with a target audience in mind to ensure you’re not firing shots in the dark.

Products marketed toward children, for example, don’t need to emphasize processing horsepower because no one cares how many gigabytes of information a kid phone can store. Surveys and market research can tell you what your potential customers want out of a product. Focus on those features. Targeting a specific audience allows you to test your marketing’s effectiveness further down the line.


2. Use the Right Channels

Knowing your audience isn’t just refining your message. It also means knowing the best ways to get that message out into the world. Selecting the right marketing channels is just as important as any other aspect of your marketing, and tech products will face dramatically different fates, depending on the channels they’re marketed in.

Products intended for older audiences don’t need to have huge presences on apps with younger users such as TikTok or Instagram, and vice versa. Email marketing can be highly effective for B2B products, but it’s rarely as powerful when it comes to direct-to-consumer marketing.

As always, the right amount of market research will help you choose your lanes.


3. Consider Price Adjustments

In the tech industry, consumers are often given a huge swath of options to choose from. Differentiating your product from the rest can feel almost impossible to do through marketing. If you need something specific to sell up, consider driving your price down.

Adjusting your product’s price is always a tricky ask, but doing so can give your marketing team some much-needed room to breathe. Marketing new innovations in tech or shiny new designs may come naturally to some, but getting the word out on a major price cut is almost never difficult to do.


4. Make it Shareable

The average American sees between 4,000 and 10,000 advertisements every day, so businesses need a way to cut through the noise. In times of information overload, word-of-mouth marketing continues to reign supreme.

When developing your product, try to give it components that make it particularly memorable and shareable — going viral is just about the best marketing campaign a business could ask for. Even if it's just through a social media post, a recommendation from a real customer can go much further than a traditional advertisement ever could.


5. Get Experts on Board

Though it can seem like a risk at first, you should be bending over backward to get your product reviewed online. Web-based reviewers can have huge audiences in certain sectors, so getting their attention is often worth the risk of a less-than-stellar reception.

However, when sending your product to reviewers, don’t simply get it to every blogger and hope for the best. Look for people who operate in your specific sector — you don’t want a cell phone reviewer trying to critique your new home security system. Focusing on the right critics can help you attract the right customers in turn.


6. Keep It Timely

Though the sheer ubiquity of advertisements may make it seem less relevant than ever, the right timing continues to be the secret ingredient to any great marketing campaign. In times like these, consumer confidence and outlook can turn on a dime, so your business needs to be ready to switch up your strategy and materials at any moment.

Good marketing is relevant marketing — every marketer needs to always be on the lookout for ways to connect their product to other things going on in the world. Maintaining a dynamic marketing team will allow you to time your campaigns more effectively, increasing your exposure in the process.

Marketing is a game that never ends — your business always needs to be looking ahead if it wants to keep winning. Getting a new product out there is never easy, but these marketing steps can help ease the growing pains 





